International Holocaust Remembrance Day
January 27th was International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Perhaps in preparation for this important day, the BBC dedicated its The Big Questions Twitter account (#BBCTBQ) to this occasion in the following manner: “Our one big question this morning: Is the time coming to lay the Holocaust to rest?” If you have ever looked for an example of the zeitgeist, this title is quite indicative. But for all the dismay that such statements invoke, what really worries me is how we, Jews, treat our past. If titles such as American Jews Must Stop Obsessing Over the Holocaust can be casually attributed to prominent individuals such as Prof. Jacob Neusner, there is real cause for concern. I must admit that I, too, am not keen on dwelling over the past. But we cannot normalize the Holocaust because there is nothing normal about it. The Holocaust is a stark reminder that the acculturation (which is nothing more than euphemism for assimilation) that the majority of American Jews seek will not happen, not now, not ever, not in America, nor anywhere else. Six centuries ago we tried to assimilate in Spain, and we all know how this ended. Ninety years ago we tried to do it in Germany, and it became an even greater tragedy than Spain. Now we are trying to do it in the US. There is no reason to expect...
A Strategy for Peace in the Middle East
by Michael Laitman In the last two days there have been over 115 news items about the escalation of anti-Semitism, especially in Europe. The media is reporting every detail about how bad the situation is getting but no one is offering a real solution. This is what I want to focus on because the trend is clear: anti-Semitism will keep intensifying to the point where governments will not be able to resist it. They will conform to their constituency’s wishes and will either expel or destroy the Jews in their territories. We may perceive this as a new trend, and some people do say that anti-Semitism has become “trendy,” but the natural laws that cause it have not changed, nor will they change. So I will focus on the solution, because there is one, and it’s always been there, but we’ve been unaware of it, and now it’s time we tap into it. When Abraham took his followers out of Haran toward the land of Canaan, he taught them a rule that would become the motto of Jewish existence henceforth: “love your neighbor as yourself.” By sticking to this principle despite obstacles and challenges, the Jews were able to unite and maintain their integrity for many centuries. When we lost our unity, because we have forgotten that principle, we lost our land and have been pariahs ever since. And...
Who Wants to Be Elevated?
by Dr. Michael Laitman A student posted in his Twitter account a picture of his shelf at home, where some of the books we published stand. To the picture, he added a message: “There is a big focus on Jews and Israel lately that I don’t really find in your books. I’m uncomfortable with ethnic groups elevated.” Indeed, there is a big focus on Jews and Israel lately. Except the focus isn’t mine; it seems like the whole world is focused on us. The UN is hardly dealing with anything else, and has been doing so for years. Anti-Semitism has become such an issue in Western countries that heads of state keep having to “reassure” their Jewish citizens that everything is alright, when the only reason they are saying it is that everything is not alright. But the reason I am focused on the Jewish issue lately is not that there is anti-Semitism. I have been saying there is anti-Semitism, and that it will only grow, for at least ten years now. What’s changed is that now people are willing to listen, as you clearly are. Quite honestly, I am using the current burst of anti-Semitism as a tool to make the explanation about the role of the Jews more acceptable, especially to Jews. We can declare that Jews are like everyone else and shout it from the...
The Very Source of Anti-Semitism
” The very source of anti-Semitism is that the Jews are subconsciously carrying within them the method of connection, the key to happiness, namely the wisdom of Kabbalah.” Dr. Michael Laitman, Like a Bundle of Reeds...
Anti-Semitism UPROOTED
How the Jewish People and the World Can Win (or Lose) Together Pariahs A few days ago, two Jewish boys were beaten up in Queens, New York, and the word Hamas was written all over them. The media took no notice. But if Jews were to do the same to Arab boys, would the media treat it likewise? It is not a hypothesis that the world is against us, nor is it a residue of past fears that should have been long gone by now. Anti-Semitism is as vibrant and as vile as ever not only in our neighborhoods, in some of our neighbors’ eyes, or on graffiti next to the shul. It is everywhere: on the bus, at school, at college, at work (albeit in a more implied manner), and, of course, in the media. The social media is inundated with unreserved anti-Semitism. In France, names, residential addresses, and pictures of Jews were posted on a Facebook wall with an invitation to hurt them. To date, some have already been attacked. The rest are hiding. In Belgium, an elderly Jewish lady was refused medical care and was advised to go to Gaza for treatment. Anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic demonstrations are held in dozens of cities throughout the world each day since the beginning of July. According to the Anti Defamation League (ADL), in just three weeks between July 8...