Yom Kippur Explained – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman
Dr. Michael Laitman Explains Yom Kippur – A “Like a Bundle of Reeds” Interview Dr. Michael Laitman discusses the Yom Kippur holiday and the story of Jonah with “Like a Bundle of Reeds” executive editor, Chaim Ratz. “Like a Bundle of Reeds” is a TV series originally broadcast on JLTV based on the book of the same title. It deals with the following topics: * Are we Jews different from other nations? * Why was I born Jewish? * Why is there anti-Semitism? * Could the Holocaust happen again? * What can I do? * Why are there Jews? Download the eBook version of the new “What Is Yom Kippur? – The Great Secret of the Jews (That You Don’t Know About)” booklet for free here »...![The Roots of Anti-Semitism – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman [Video]](https://bundleofreeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/born-jewish_680x476.png)
The Roots of Anti-Semitism – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman [Video]
Dr. Michael Laitman discusses the roots of anti-Semitism and why anti-Semitism is on the rise with Like a Bundle of Reeds executive editor, Chaim Ratz. Like a Bundle of Reeds is a TV series originally broadcast on JLTV based on the book of the same title. It deals with the following topics: Are we Jews different from other nations? Why was I born Jewish? Why is there anti-Semitism? Could the Holocaust happen again? What can I do? Why are there Jews? Audio Disclaimer: Yes, we had some audio production problems in this episode & two others where this disclaimer is mentioned. All the rest of the series is fine, so we recommend checking out another episode of Like a Bundle of Reeds if the audio bothers you too...![The Struggle to Stop Fighting [Opinion]](https://bundleofreeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/the-struggle-to-stop-fighting_680x476.png)