The Role of Diaspora Jews Today – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman
The Role of Diaspora Jews Today Dr. Michael Laitman explores today’s role of diaspora Jews with “Like a Bundle of Reeds” executive editor, Chaim Ratz and political analyst, Masha Shayovich. “Like a Bundle of Reeds” is a TV series originally broadcast on JLTV based on the book of the same title. It deals with the following topics: * Are we Jews different from other nations? * Why was I born Jewish? * Why is there anti-Semitism? * Could the Holocaust happen again? * What can I do? * Why are there Jews? Download the eBook version of “Like a Bundle of Reeds” for free here » http://bundleofreeds.com(also available is the softcover version for only...
The Workshop as a Tool of Connection – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman
The Workshop as a Tool of Connection Dr. Michael Laitman discusses the workshop as a tool of connection with “Like a Bundle of Reeds” executive editor, Chaim Ratz. “Like a Bundle of Reeds” is a TV series originally broadcast on JLTV based on the book of the same title. It deals with the following topics: * Are we Jews different from other nations? * Why was I born Jewish? * Why is there anti-Semitism? * Could the Holocaust happen again? * What can I do? * Why are there Jews? Download the eBook version of “Like a Bundle of Reeds” for free here » http://bundleofreeds.com(also available is the softcover version for only...
What Does It Mean To Be Jewish Today? Course – Lesson 4: Evolution of “the Method”
Lesson 4: Evolution of the Method [With Chaim and Gilad] Chaim: Hello and welcome to Lesson 4 of What Does It Mean to Be Jewish Today. Gilad: Hello. Happy to be here as usual. [Opening comments re internet, posting questions, etc.] Last week we talked about the evolution of the correction method. We said that it started with Abraham. He started the correction, he wrote books, and he and his wife Sarah taught what they knew to their contemporaries. And then it developed on and on through their posterity until they came out of Egypt and they needed a new method—not a new method but a new presentation of the method—so there came Moses. He received the Torah, the law, and the Hebrews became the people of Israel, those who want to go straight to the Creator. Now they were compelled to create mutual guarantee in order to achieve spirituality, to achieve the purpose of creation. They continued to develop the method until the ruin of the temple, when the people of Israel were exiled, and since then the correction method developed in what we now know as Kabbalah. Basically it was incarnations, development of the same method that Abraham discovered. Actually Adam discovered it, but he didn’t… from Abraham’s time on there is more of a methodical development of the method. The Kabbalists continued to develop it,...
What Does It Mean to be Jewish? – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman
What Does It Mean to be Jewish? – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman Dr. Michael Laitman discusses what it means to be Jewish with “Like a Bundle of Reeds” executive editor, Chaim Ratz. “Like a Bundle of Reeds” is a TV series originally broadcast on JLTV based on the book of the same title. It deals with the following topics: * Are we Jews different from other nations? * Why was I born Jewish? * Why is there anti-Semitism? * Could the Holocaust happen again? * What can I do? * Why are there Jews? Download the eBook version of “Like a Bundle of Reeds” for free here » http://bundleofreeds.com(also available is the softcover version for only...
What Does It Mean To Be Jewish Today? Course – Lesson 3
Lesson 3: Life As An Evolution of Desires [With Chaim and Gilad] Chaim: Welcome to lesson number three of What Does It Mean to Be Jewish Today. Today’s lesson is going to be about the evolution of the correction method, from we all from Abraham, how he started the correction method and how we developed through the ages until today. We’re going to run through it. Gilad: We are here to take your questions about the lesson, or even not about the lesson. We’ll try to get to those. Last time we talked about the evolution of desires. If you remember, we talked about three basic levels—still, vegetative, animate and speaking—which develop everywhere. First of all you see them in nature, in the reality around us. Starting from the Big Bang, you see the minerals developing—the galaxies and planets and everything develops. Eventually the vegetative level emerges. Why does it emerge? Because another level of the will to receive emerges, and then the plants start to develop, and then the plants develop further and animals begin to appear. The difference between animals and plants is motion. Animals can move about to search about for food, for mates for reproduction, etc. Then humans appear. The difference between humans and animals is that humans can actually sense the presence, the past, and the future. They have this thing that animals don’t...