Anti-Semitism UPROOTED
Anti-Semitism UPROOTED– If we unite not for ourselves, but for the world, then both we and the world will win the war against the hatred that is consuming every decent fragment of our planet and our souls.

The Secret to a Happy Year
THE SECRET TO A HAPPY YEAR–If we want to end our troubles and be rid of antiSemitism, if we desire to turn judgment into mercy, and have a safe and happy life, we must unite, and thus set an example of unity to all the nations. This is how we will bring peace and quiet to the world.

Who Are You People of Israel?
WHO ARE YOU, PEOPLE OF ISRAEL? Time and time again we are pressed and terrorized until we feel helplessness and pointlessness. Being Jewish, I wonder at the purpose of this relentless suffering we experience. Indeed, why can’t we escape these torments? Why is there no end to these ordeals that seem to repeat themselves every generation? As our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents suffered hatred during WWII, we, too, are underway to experience similar “treatment” from the rest of the world. Some among us believe that the past cannot return, that the atrocities and the way people treated one another in ancient times, or when the Nazis were in power, are unfeasible today. And yet, we see how easily humanity is reverting to that state. And once again, we are the only ones at stake. I have written this booklet because Jews the world over are afraid. The pages before you are an attempt to answer questions that Jews face everywhere, an effort to present the solution we are required to pursue. I have tried to be as brief and as concrete as possible, as I’m aware of the restless nature of our generation. And yet, it is my sincere hope and wish that you will find it helpful. You will find further explanations in the link at the end of the booklet. With love, Dr. Michael Laitman Where We Are Now Humanity is at a crossroads. On the one hand, we are all dependent on one another for our survival, an offshoot of globalization. On the other hand, we hate being so interdependent; we want to break free...
Jewish Life Explained – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman
Jewish Life Explained – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman Dr. Michael Laitman discusses how Jewish life optimally accords with the law of connection with “Like a Bundle of Reeds” executive editor, Chaim Ratz. “Like a Bundle of Reeds” is a TV series originally broadcast on JLTV based on the book of the same title. It deals with the following topics: * Are we Jews different from other nations? * Why was I born Jewish? * Why is there anti-Semitism? * Could the Holocaust happen again? * What can I do? * Why are there Jews? Download the eBook version of “Like a Bundle of Reeds” for free here » http://bundleofreeds.com(also available is the softcover version for only...
Yom Kippur Explained – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman
Dr. Michael Laitman Explains Yom Kippur – A “Like a Bundle of Reeds” Interview Dr. Michael Laitman discusses the Yom Kippur holiday and the story of Jonah with “Like a Bundle of Reeds” executive editor, Chaim Ratz. “Like a Bundle of Reeds” is a TV series originally broadcast on JLTV based on the book of the same title. It deals with the following topics: * Are we Jews different from other nations? * Why was I born Jewish? * Why is there anti-Semitism? * Could the Holocaust happen again? * What can I do? * Why are there Jews? Download the eBook version of the new “What Is Yom Kippur? – The Great Secret of the Jews (That You Don’t Know About)” booklet for free here »...
10 Things You Ought to Know About Being Jewish
10 Things You Ought to Know About Being Jewish–As soon as we begin to even try to unite, antisemitism will vanish into thin air. And by uniting we will set an example of unity for the rest of the world, and in so doing will be a light for the nations that will bring them out of the dungeon of self-indulgence.