Lesson 2: “What Does It Mean To Be Jewish Today?” Course
Lesson 2: The People of Israel’s Birth [With Chaim and Gilad] Chaim: Hello to you all. We’re glad to be here in the second lesson of Like A Bundle of Reeds, lessons to talk about the role of the Jewish people and anti-Semitism and why this is all happening—the lesson that explains really what we’re doing here, why everything is happening and… Gilad: …what we can do about it. I went to my parents’ house yesterday, and I told mother that she should watch the course. She was born and raised in Australia; her parents went there after the second world war. I showed her the clip we showed last week and she was in total shock. She wasn’t able to watch last week and I showed her the clip of the students in universities and she was in total shock of it. Her immediate reaction was, “What can we do?” First of all, I told her to watch the course and we’ll tell her what to do. But her immediate response was that we have to write letters, we have to try to contact them, and I think that our immediate response to watching these anti-Semitic actions, seeing what’s happening in the world, is to do something, act. It’s very important to know what the right action is, otherwise we’re [in neutral] and we see no change. I wonder what she might say about what we’re going to watch now. We have another clip for you. If the one last week made you feel uncomfortable, this one is really disturbing. Let’s just watch it and keep talking afterwards....
Lesson 1: Introduction – “What Does It Mean To Be Jewish Today?” Course
Lesson 1: Introduction [With Chaim and Gilad] Chaim Ratz: Hello. We’re happy to be with you. It’s our first session of a course that is called “What Does It Mean to Be Jewish Today?” Interesting topic, huh? Gilad: Very interesting topic, and we’d love for you to be as active as possible. You have a question and answer forum on the website and we’ll take your questions live. So throughout the lesson—anything, any questions you have, anything you want to find out, you want to discuss—please post it in the Q&A forum. We’ll be happy to open things up, to make it as interesting, as relevant as possible. How did we get to having a course on the meaning of being Jewish? This book, Like A Bundle of Reeds: Why Unity and Mutual Guarantee Are the Call of the Hour Today, this is the reason why we are here. I’ve been translating Dr. Laitman’s books for over ten years now and I’ve been the executive editor of Laitman Kabbalah Publishers for about that long as well, if not longer actually, and this is his most recent book that talks about this topic—about being Jewish. In this book he presents a very, I would say, serious prediction of the trend, the direction in which humanity is going and how it relates specifically to Jews and the role of Jews in the scheme of things. It’s a very serious and a very central position that Jews take in this scheme. In light of the fact that everything he has predicted in this book which was published a year and a...Live Lessons on Tuesdays at 8:00 PM EST (NY Time)
Welcome to the “What Does It Mean to be Jewish Today?” course, based on the book Like A Bundle of Reeds by Dr. Michael Laitman. You should have already downloaded the eBook version of Like A Bundle of Reeds (available in PDF, ePub and Kindle formats) upon sign up and confirmation. If you haven’t signed up, then you may do so here: bundleofreeds.com (also, you can find the full course schedule and curriculum on this page). You may purchase a softcover copy of Like A Bundle of Reeds here. To stay updated by e-mail, make sure you’ve signed up at bundleofreeds.com. Also, Like our Facebook page here – facebook.com/bundleofreeds – to get more updates and offers. Tech Support If you experience any technical problems during the live broadcast, please report them in the chat window. For further technical support inquiries, please e-mail: [email protected] Note that this live broadcast is unavailable on mobile devices. Archived Lessons Lesson 1: Introduction Lesson 2: The People of Israel’s Birth Lesson 3: Life as an Evolution of Desires Lesson 4: Evolution of “The Method” Lesson 5: The Role of the Jewish People Lesson 6: The Roots of Anti-Semitism Lesson 7: Contemporary Anti-Semitism Lesson 8: Q & A Lesson 9: Plurally Speaking Lesson 10: Living in an Integrated...![The Roots of Anti-Semitism – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman [Video]](https://bundleofreeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/born-jewish_680x476.png)
The Roots of Anti-Semitism – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman [Video]
Dr. Michael Laitman discusses the roots of anti-Semitism and why anti-Semitism is on the rise with Like a Bundle of Reeds executive editor, Chaim Ratz.
![What Do The Jews Have, Which They Are Not Sharing With The World, But Which They Must? [Quotes]](https://bundleofreeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/what-do-the-jews-have_680-680x675.png)
What Do The Jews Have, Which They Are Not Sharing With The World, But Which They Must? [Quotes]
What do you think? Write your response in the comments.
![The Struggle to Stop Fighting [Opinion]](https://bundleofreeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/the-struggle-to-stop-fighting_680x476.png)
The Struggle to Stop Fighting [Opinion]
Anti-Semitism isn’t the problem; it’s the symptom.