The Secret to a Happy Year
Each New as a year time Year.” around of The reflection. High this time, Holy This Jews Days year, wish are it seems one a time another, as of though joy, “Happy as there well is much more to reflect on than in past years. The past year has been a trying one for all Jews, wherever they live, due to the resurgence of anti-Semitism. So in the spirit of the High Holy Days, let us examine our situation and find the opportunity in the challenge. Introspection The war in Gaza took its toll not just on the Israelis and Palestinians. In many ways, it has uncovered and deepened a chasm that exists within Jewish communities the world over. Differences that were once settled peacefully and calmly through debate have now become so poignant and tense that community leaders offen opt to avoid any discussion fearing that it will deepen the schism within their already divided community. But this murky point in our collective existence is actually an opportunity, and the High Holy Days are the best time to begin to set matters straight. Now is a time when people are inclined to introspect is it suitable to reflect on our actions in light of the negative trend toward us in the world. We Are Jonah The most important part in the Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) service comes...
10 Things You Ought to Know About Being Jewish
Originally published in the Jewish Journal by Michael Laitman 1) Jews didn’t start out as a distinct tribe or a clan. According to Maimonides, the first Jews, which were then known as Hebrews, followed Abraham because they liked his ideas about mutual responsibility and “love your neighbor as yourself.” Gradually, the entourage grew and officially became the nation of Israel at the foot of Mount Sinai. 2) Unity among Jews. That thing which we don’t have was actually a prerequisite for the reception of the Torah (law). The great 11th century commentator, RASHI, wrote that at the foot of Mount Sinai the Hebrews stood “as one man with one heart,” and this is why they received the Torah. Also, they didn’t really have a choice, or as the Babylonian Talmud (Masechet Avoda Zarah) puts it, they were told, “If you receive the Torah, good; if you do not, there will it be your burial.” 3) Since we haven’t taken it upon ourselves to unite, we’ve been busy fighting one another. The Bible describes all the internal disputes that the Israelis had among themselves and with God. But actually, these quarrels enhanced our unity and made us stronger. But when we finally lost it, we were exiled. In fact, numerous texts place the emergence of unfounded hatred as the single cause of the exile from the land of Israel. Many Jewish...![The Struggle to Stop Fighting [Opinion]](https://bundleofreeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/the-struggle-to-stop-fighting_680x476.png)