Who Wants to Be Elevated?
by Dr. Michael Laitman A student posted in his Twitter account a picture of his shelf at home, where some of the books we published stand. To the picture, he added a message: “There is a big focus on Jews and Israel lately that I don’t really find in your books. I’m uncomfortable with ethnic groups elevated.” Indeed, there is a big focus on Jews and Israel lately. Except the focus isn’t mine; it seems like the whole world is focused on us. The UN is hardly dealing with anything else, and has been doing so for years. Anti-Semitism has become such an issue in Western countries that heads of state keep having to “reassure” their Jewish citizens that everything is alright, when the only reason they are saying it is that everything is not alright. But the reason I am focused on the Jewish issue lately is not that there is anti-Semitism. I have been saying there is anti-Semitism, and that it will only grow, for at least ten years now. What’s changed is that now people are willing to listen, as you clearly are. Quite honestly, I am using the current burst of anti-Semitism as a tool to make the explanation about the role of the Jews more acceptable, especially to Jews. We can declare that Jews are like everyone else and shout it from the...
The Role of Diaspora Jews Today – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman
The Role of Diaspora Jews Today Dr. Michael Laitman explores today’s role of diaspora Jews with “Like a Bundle of Reeds” executive editor, Chaim Ratz and political analyst, Masha Shayovich. “Like a Bundle of Reeds” is a TV series originally broadcast on JLTV based on the book of the same title. It deals with the following topics: * Are we Jews different from other nations? * Why was I born Jewish? * Why is there anti-Semitism? * Could the Holocaust happen again? * What can I do? * Why are there Jews? Download the eBook version of “Like a Bundle of Reeds” for free here » http://bundleofreeds.com(also available is the softcover version for only...
A Holiday Full of Light
by Dr Michael Laitman Hanukkah is known as “the festival of light.” But the rise in anti-Semitic incidents from France to New York casts quite a heavy shadow on our lives. Can we cast it away? Can we blow away the dark clouds gathering around the Jewish people? Apparently we can. Since the world is examining our every move with critical eyes, it means that we, the people of Israel, can also influence the world much more than we dare (or like) to think. If we build a society based on mutual love and mutual connection, it will become a role model to the entire world. But once we do, says Rav Kook, we will change our fate—and the fate of the entire world—to the better. Here is his poetic description of the connection between the people of Israel and the correction of the world: “Since our own vocation is ever standing, accompanying the vocation of the whole of Nature—whose law is to complete all creations and bring them to the apex of perfection—we must guard it devoutly for the life of us all, which is kept within it, and for the whole of humanity and its moral development, whose fate depends on the fate of our existence.” (Appeared in HaPeles, a rabbinical magazine, Berlin, Germany, 1901) Rav Yehuda Ashlag (author of the Sulam [Ladder] commentary on The Book...
Why Jews Are Feeling the Heat
Why Jews Are Feeling the Heat by Dr. Michael Laitman, originally published in the Times of Israel. This last summer was hot in every sense here in the Holy Land. Most of our attention was focused on what was probably the longest military campaign we experienced here in many years. The most unique aspect of the dramatic summer we had to go through was that it ultimately marked and emphasized the dead end we have reached. The battle is over, but there is still a threat and there is nowhere for us to escape. The moment one round of conflict was behind us, the shadow of the next was already hanging over our heads. Each time we stall for different reasons and postpone any decision making, hoping that things will somehow work out on their own, they don’t. In fact, things haven’t changed for decades. The drama inside and around Israel only continues to escalate, a clear sign that we are really missing the point. The prophet Jonah found himself in a similar situation thousands of years ago. The plot reads like an adventure novel. Jonah receives a mission from God to help the people of Nineveh (who are not Jewish) overcome the mutual hatred they feel and fulfill the principle of love thy neighbor as thyself. It was Abraham who first fulfilled this idea and founded the Jewish...
The Very Source of Anti-Semitism
” The very source of anti-Semitism is that the Jews are subconsciously carrying within them the method of connection, the key to happiness, namely the wisdom of Kabbalah.” Dr. Michael Laitman, Like a Bundle of Reeds...